Monday, May 26


first things first...
I'm still praying for $2500 Dollars for outreach!!!! Due next week!!
This coming saturday we are going to have a walk-a-thon! heres the info..feel free to join in even though you may not be here for the walk!

heres the actual document:


At the end of June, the April Disciple Training School will be going on outreach to Indonesia and the Philippines. To raise money for this trip we have planned to go on a hike-a-thon around the Swan River here in Perth, Australia, on the 31st of May. We will be walking between 15 and 20 km’s and we would like you to consider supporting us with either a donation per km we walk or a one off amount. Thank you for your willingness to participate in this fundraiser, we really appreciate your support!

All we need is your Name, per Km, donation.

Its just a fun way to try to raise some money!! =] let me know if you would like to donate!

Now the fun part of my blog...UPDATE!!

Heres a late birthday song to my momma...Its a traditional song here at YWAM-perth...kinda like the red-robin song back home!


I went on a long kangaroo hunt!!!
(for the first time ever)
This is the group that went

sweet picture of me

Natalie (one of my 3 roomies) and i being silly!

not to mention it took us 40 min to find them!!!
We were very sad!!!


I wanted to take him home!!

Me petting ROO!!!! SOoo precious!

We ended up gettin lost and danced in the rain (except that was the 2nd time i've EVER seen it rain that hard!!!!!!)


GOOD weeekend enjoy the photos!!!
Love and miss you all!!

Tuesday, May 20

my whole perspective i think has changed on EVERYTHING!

Wow I can’t even begin to tell you what I’ve learned in just the past few days!! Something’s I’ve known all my life, but never really grabbed a hold of it! Tom Ellis is speaking this week on Spiritual Warfare! The funny thing is, he hasn’t even started on spiritual warfare yet! He’s a brilliant guy and I feel like I’m back in psychology class overwhelmed with so much information, which is a good feeling. Except when there are tests involved, but good when you’re just learning!
The basis of what we have learned (and this is just the surface) is that God is a relational God. Before creation there was the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit unified and relational with each other! This is the basis of EVERYTHING! God created us for relation! Yet he knew that if he created us with the freedom to choose who and what we worship he would have to send his son down to earth. In freedom there is risk because we have the capability to love and hate as much as we choose. So before he created earth He knew He would have to send Jesus down to earth! (It was not a plan B). So God of ALL power humbled himself to death. God was in Jesus, sacrificing himself. Okay so God holds every atom together, he holds our body together, even when we rebel against him! God is more committed to our freedom than for us to obey him! He is NOT a controlling, ruling, and condemning God. There were times (in the bible) where God waited 500 years for people to turn away from their wicked ways the flood (Noah and the ark). So he gives us the power to worship who we want, yet we are limited to this planet right? I mean you couldn’t fly to outer space! So there are restrictions. Yet the chose of who and what we worship is ALL our own choice! Only we can choose! Yes God is powerful, but he does not control! He placed us on this earth to be apart of the relationship of the trinity (the father, the son, the Holy Spirit) which is the ultimate love (agape). God placed us in certain places, and He waits, He pursues us, and He convinces us of his love. We are not oppressed by his presence, yet his presence dwells here on earth. We are surrounded by God while he holds us together! It’s so amazing how much He is so desires for us to feel his love. Which I can testify to, but I’ve only begin to understand Gods love!
Okay so there you go this is what I’ve learned in 3 teachings this week. My mind is so blown away and I don’t thing I fully understand half of this! Or if i even explained this well at all..this is pretty much just another word vomiting my thoughts all at once!!

On the other hand i found out today that outreach money is due in two weeks!! Which is very SOON! And i still need 2500 dollars! Ah but i completly trust God in providing! But prayers are more than welcome!
I miss you all! Love you!

Sunday, May 18

On to week 7!!!!!!!!!!!

EEEEK week 7 is here!! I'm having such a good time here and at the same time one of the most challenging times! I cant even begin to tell you all that i've gone through! Lets start with my favorite topic yet, Fear of the Lord(two weeks ago). So God basically just showed me that disobeying him in the small things really separated me from him. And by small things I mean like when he would tell me to talk to someone or give them an encouraging word I wouldn’t. I would rationalize and eventually the conviction would go away. This small sin created a block between God and me! But i now find my self in a place of dying to myself completely and surrendering to God. I honestly don't care what i do next with my life, as long as its Gods will!

Another thing that i've been so excited about is Indonesia! God has really just been showing me, that the reason i'm here is to prepare for Indonesia. I mean Australia is great and all, but i do find my self growing discontent (which is okay, i know that i need to deal with all my stuff, so i can freely pour out Gods love! I'm very excited if you can't tell! We had a car wash this weekend for outreach, but i'm still praying for God to provide 2,500 for my trip! Your prayers are more than welcome!!!!!
This week we also prayed about our groups and my leader Anders(pronounced Aunus)and Cory are going to be leading my group. And that group will be accompanied with the Media Reach DTS(discipleship training school). Should be amazing since my favorite girls are on the media reach dts. It will be good to be with them! I'm really excited about how things worked out!
On another note I do miss everyone alto, but i know i'm walking in the destiny God has for me right now and thats all i really need!
I'd love your prayers! I really do feel the support from back home! And i want to thank all of you bloggers for checking on my updates frequently and commenting. It sure means a lot to me!!!

Bless You all SOO MUCH!
Jenna Dear

Sunday, May 4


Well here we are fourth week in on my DTS (discipleship training school). I’ve been here for a month, which seems so crazy to me! I feel as though I’ve been here two months maybe three! It’s been long, but fast all at the same time! (not quite sure how to explain that one). Well the past couple of weeks we have had some pretty intense topics...Hearing Gods voice and Relationships! I cant even begin to tell you what I have learned there is way to much information bouncing back and fourth in my head..I barley feel like I’ve had time to digest half of the information! One of the main things that I’ve really grasped is that God is the only one that is going to fulfill my needs and wants. It’s easy to say God is my everything and I don’t need anyone else, but it’s another thing to fully believe it and walk it out. So here I am trying to comprehend the fullness of God and it has been amazing! He’s been showing me so much about himself revealing his character to me, which teaches me about myself (since I’m made in his image). Now I’m not gonna lie and tell you everything is perfect down “under” I miss my family and friends so much and with all the information that’s being put into my head really starts to overwhelm me, but its so good for me and I realize that this is one of those good/hard/tough/exciting things. And I love it. I’m meeting people form all over the world Egypt, Madagascar, Brazil, America ;), Germany, Switzerland, Canada and many more. Its fun to talk to people who barley know English and teaching them silly words like awkward, silly, goofy, weird…etc =]! I’ve had lots of fun as well as lots of teaching, the people here are so much fun and there is always something to do! Random little thing…Elton John is going to be playing across my street at Members Equity Stadium on the 10th of May. I’m not gonna lie it’s going to be amazing! Another thing that God has really been placing on my heart is a heart for Indonesia. We are leaving for Indonesia in about 2 months and I’m really excited to just share all this love I have. I’m still trusting God to provide the funds for my trip, but so far God has just been continually reminding me to not worry about it and that he’s going to take care of it. So you prayers once again would be amazing! I miss you all so very much and can’t thank you enough for your support!
Love always,
Jenna Dear!